Dalí: Les Dîners de Gala Full Books

Dalí: Les Dîners de Gala Description : Gala dinner: Salvador Dalí’s surrealist cookbook

Les dîners de Gala is uniquely devoted to the pleasures of taste … If you are a disciple of one of those calorie-counters who turn the joys of eating into a form of punishment, close this book at once; it is too lively, too aggressive, and far too impertinent for you.”—Salvador Dalí

Food and surrealism make perfect bedfellows: Sex and lobsters, collage and cannibalism, the meeting of a swan and a toothbrush on a pastry case. The opulent dinner parties thrown by Salvador Dalí (1904–1989) and his wife and muse, Gala (1894–1982) were the stuff of legend. Luckily for us, Dalí published a cookbook in 1973, Les diners de Gala, which reveals some of the sensual, imaginative, and exotic elements that made up their notorious gatherings.

This reprint features all 136 recipes over 12 chapters, specially illustrated by Dalí, and organized by meal courses, including aphrodisiacs. The illustrations and recipes are accompanied by Dalí’s extravagant musings on subjects such as dinner conversation: “The jaw is our best tool to grasp philosophical knowledge.”

All these rich recipes can be cooked at home, although some will require practiced skill and a well-stocked pantry. This is cuisine of the old school, with meals by leading French chefs from such stellar Paris restaurants as Lasserre, La Tour d’Argent, Maxim’s, and Le Train Bleu. Good taste, however voluptuous, never goes out of fashion. In making this exceptionally rare book available to a wide audience, TASCHEN brings an artwork, a practical cookbook, and a multisensory adventure to today’s kitchens.

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Salvador Dali's 'Les Dîners De Gala' - Look Inside ...
Look Inside Salvador Dali's 'Les Dîners De Gala' Get ready for some seriously surreal suppers
Biographie de Dalí | Fondation Gala-Salvador Dalí
Felipa Domènech Ferrés, 1910. Salvador Dalí Cusí, 1910. Salvador Dalí Domènech, c. 1911. Salvador Dalí enfant, c. 1905. La famille Dalí à Cadaqués: une ...
Biografía de Salvador Dalí | Fundación Gala - Salvador Dalí
Felipa Domènech Ferrés, 1910. Salvador Dalí Cusí, 1910. Salvador Dalí Domènech, c. 1911. Salvador Dalí niño, c. 1905. La familia Dalí en Cadaqués: una ...
Dali : ses Dîners de Gala érotiques et baroques enfin réédités
Amateurs de diététique s'abstenir ! Quarante ans après avoir été publiées en 400 exemplaires seulement, les savoureuses recettes aphrodisiaques et ...
Salvador Dalí — Wikipédia
En 1924, toujours inconnu, Salvador Dalí illustra un livre pour la première fois. C'était une publication du poème en catalan Les Bruixes de Llers (Les Sorcières ...
Les diners de Gala: Salvador Dali, Captain J. Peter Moore ...
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El sabor surrealista de Dalí | Estilo | EL PAÍS
La editorial Taschen reedita, cuatro décadas después, el libro de recetas del pintor, ‘Les Dîners de Gala’. Platos opulentos acompañados con ...
Salvador Dalí – Wikipedia
1940, när andra världskriget började närma sig Bordeaux där Dalí och Gala bodde, flydde de båda till USA där de tillbringade åtta år fram till 1948. [13]
Salvador Dalí - Biografie WHO'S WHO
Salvador Dalí wurde am 11. Mai 1904 als Sohn des Notars Don Salvador Dalí y Cusí und dessen Ehefrau Doña Felipa Domènech y Ferres in Figueras Katalonien geboren.
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Librería jurídica online con más de 20 años de trayectoria personalizada en materia jurídica y tratados de derecho, trabajando con todas las prestigiosas ...