Summary of The Nix: by Nathan Hill | Includes Key Takeaways & Analysis Full Books

Summary of The Nix: by Nathan Hill | Includes Key Takeaways & Analysis Description : “Samuel thought how his father married to his mother was like a spoon married to a garbage disposal.” - Nathan Hill

“Seeing ourselves clearly is the project of a lifetime.” - Nathan Hill

“He longs for someone in the crowd to see the haunted expression he’s sure is playing all over his face right now and come up to him and say, You seem to be experiencing overwhelming pain, how can I help you?” - Nathan Hill

“It’s no secret that the great American pastime is no longer baseball. Now it’s sanctimony.” - Nathan Hill

***Don't Miss Nathan Hill's sharp and fierce novel, "The Nix." Explore issues of family, of love, and of personal growth in this decade-spanning tale of the things that haunt us.***

Book Summary Overview

It’s 2011, and Samuel Andresen-Anderson – an embittered professor at a small Chicago university – is battling dragons on his computer screen and unrequited love in his heart. He has not seen his mother since she abandoned her family twenty-three years ago, and now she is all over the news after committing a peculiar political crime. She has been his Nix all these years, but he must save her from a begrudged judge and, in the process, save himself from a lawsuit that threatens to take away everything he has.

"The Nix" follows Samuel as he uncovers the life of a mother he hardly knew. As he unearths his mother’s dark secrets, he must confront the lies of his own life and embrace betrayal and the things that hurt him most. It is a tale of scarred childhoods and enduring love, of false starts and missed opportunities.

Nathan Hill captures the turmoil of the 1960s and the absurdity of contemporary culture with surprising ease. He finds humor in the most unlikely places and weaves an intricate series of events into a unified plot that is as entertaining as it is astonishing.

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