Gosnell: The Untold Story of America’s Most Prolific Serial Killer Full Books

Gosnell: The Untold Story of America’s Most Prolific Serial Killer Description :
Gosnell is the untold story of America's most prolific serial killer.

In 2013 Dr Kermit Gosnell was convicted of killing four people, including three babies, but is thought to have killed hundreds, perhaps thousands more in a 30-year killing spree.

ABC News correspondent Terry Moran described Gosnell as "America's most prolific serial killer."

Gosnell is currently serving three life sentences (without the possibility of parole) for murdering babies and patients at his "House of Horrors" abortion clinic.

This book—now a major movie starring Dean Cain (Lois & Clarke)—reveals how the investigation that brought Gosnell to justice started as a routine drugs investigation and turned into a shocking unmasking of America's biggest serial killer. It details how compliant politicians and bureaucrats allowed Dr. Gosnell to carry out his grisly trade because they didn’t want to be accused of “attacking abortion.” Gosnell also exposes the media coverup that saw reporters refusing to cover a story that shone an unwelcome spotlight on abortion in America in the 21st century.

Gosnell is an astounding piece of investigative journalism revealing a coverup among the medical political and media establishments that allowed a killer to go undetected for decades.

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